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“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who […]
Read MoreOne fine sunny day a traveller was walking down a dusty road past a farm by an old country town. Suddenly he heard a terrible howling noise. He looked around but couldn’t see where it was coming from, so he kept walking. Further down the lane he came to a gate at the farm entrance, […]
Read MoreIt’s all about perspective… There’s a timeless story about a shoe salesman, whose Company one day decided to give him a new opportunity. They sent him to Africa to launch their new product range. He was very excited to have been chosen for such a promotion, but within a week of arrival, he was […]
Read MoreHere are 15 Steps to Create Lasting Change in Your Life For The Better The Reflective and Planning Part 1. Stop and Think about What You Really Want to Change 2. Re-assess Your Current Plan – is it Working? 3. Write Down Your Lifetime Dreams, Your ‘Bucket List’ 4. Break it Down into Manageable Goals […]
Read MoreIs Your Life Going the Way You Would Like? Today’s hi-tech world can be so crazy that we often forget about the things we really wanted to do in life, the people with whom we want to spend our time, the places we want to see and the adventures we’d like to have. If […]
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