Tony Inman's Books and Published Contributions
This list of books constitute those I have written myself, those to which I have contributed, and publications in which I have been featured.

Coaching & Lifestyle
'How to Get a Bigger Bite Out of Life' by George Faddoul with contributions by Tony Inman
'The Inspiration Bible' by Emily Gowor and many contributors, including Tony Inman
'Our Infinite Power to Heal' by Emily Gowor and many contributors, including Tony Inman
'The Parrot and the Lady' - Introducing Randy Short 008 by Tony Inman
A Collection of Poems - including a contribution by Tony Inman
Downloadable PDF
'How to Win the Games of Business and Life' by Tony Inman
Featured Publications
Anthill Magazine
Business News
Co-operative News UK
Target Newsletter
Jersey Evening Post
Guernsey Press