About Tony Inman
About Tony Inman
Why and How Tony Inman Can Help YOU - I Have Real Business and Life experience!
It's Not About Me - It's About Why and How I Might Help You, So Let's Start with You!
I'll tell you about me down the page, but first...
Something has brought you to this website and perhaps more than a little curiosity has brought you to this page. You have some kind of problem and you want a solution? Am I right?
The famous American Business Coach and Author, Tony Robins says that people either want to 'move away from pain' (something that's bothering you, or you're not happy about), or they want to 'move towards pleasure' (a perceived better situation than they currently have).
Which seems most important in your mind right now? Perhaps it's a combination of both, or even a whole list of things?

What Is (or Are) Your Current Biggest Problem (s) or Things That You Want to Change?
There are many reasons why people may seek some kind of help, support or solutions.
Sometimes we just feel stuck, or overwhelmed or confused, and whether it's because we want to change something that's making us think negative thoughts and feel unhappy, or whether it's a desire to improve, to grow, to think more positive thoughts and to feel happier and more fulfilled, occasionally we realise that someone else may be able to see things from a different perspective and offer us thoughts and ideas that we may not have considered.
I have one big advantage in that situation - simply that I'm not you!
That's one of the reasons why I often CAN help - because I'm not stuck in the emotional state that you may be feeling.
You may have personal 'stuff' you want to deal with, or it may be more 'business-related'. Either way, I have been able to help many people with both areas, and it's my contention that life is holistic.
In other words, if your personal life is not going well in some way, the mental or physical impacts can often affect your business or career.
Likewise, if your career or business are struggling, you'll take that with you wherever you go and it will affect your relationships, your health and so on.
Some Examples - Have You Ever Experienced, or Are You Experiencing Any of the Following Problems?
- Do you wish you could grow your business or simply earn more money?
- Do you wish you had more free time to do the things you want to do?
- Do you feel like your life is out of your control?
- Are you coming up against what you know are your own limiting beliefs, your fears or you're simply facing with what may seem like overwhelming odds?
- Do you dream of visiting a place, but doubt or wonder just how you'll ever go there?
- Are you allowing the pressures of your work to impact on your relationships with your partner or your family?
- Have you or your business 'hit the wall' - i.e. you know you should be doing better, but you're not sure how to go to that next level and you don't know who to ask for help?
I HAVE Felt Those Feelings. I DO Know What It's Like and That's Why I Do What I Do.
Why Tony Inman - 'The Change Catalyst?' And How Might I Be Able to Help You?
I Am a Catalyst to Help People to Change the Following Situations and More:
- Manage the Stress
- Beat the Overwhelm
- Take Control of Your Life
- Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs and Obstacles to Success
- Increase Your Self-Confidence
- Develop a Continuous Self-Improvement Mindset
- Clearly Define Your Values, Your Purpose, Your Dreams and Your Goals
- Manage Change Effectively
- Think Strategically
- Step Out of Your Comfort Zones so You Can Achieve Your Mission
- Grow Your Business with a Strategic Plan
- Create the Lifestyle You Want
- Maintain Work and Life Balance
- Systemise for Success and Free Up Your Time
- Become Your Ideal and Best Version of Yourself
- I Can Mentor, Coach or Consult to You and Be Your Sounding Board and Guide
- I Will Encourage You and/or Hold You Accountable To Create the Change You Want - "I've Got Your Back!"
But, don't just take my word for it - you can read or hear what many of my clients have said about what they experienced from working with me, or from people who have dealt with me.
You can also read about my business journey here, in 'The Club Red Story' and you'll see why I can bring a wealth of business and life experience to help you.
I can help you clearly define and make the changes and improvements you want to make.

Here's the Million Dollar Question though - What Will Change If You Don't Change?
Answer - Probably not much!
Here's the newsflash - The only person who can really change your life is YOU.
The good news is... That means YOU DO have the power to...
CHANGE AND EVOLVE YOUR LIFE for the better - You may just need someone like me as a catalyst to help guide you and give you some new tools and techniques to help you get there!
"The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again, but expecting different results."
Albert Einstein
Why and How Tony Inman Has Proven to Be an Effective Mentor and Coach for Many People
Unlike many so-called 'business coaches' who may not have even run their own business, I've walked the talk. I have over 40 plus years experience of managing people, including setting up over 20 businesses in various industry categories. See 'The Club Red Story'.
I've created employment for hundreds of people and my small businesses have generated millions of dollars. I've enjoyed successes and I've suffered setbacks, and I've learned lessons from both sides of the coin. My biography is available if you wish to learn more.
I combine this experience with effective business-building strategies, evolved from studying topics like 'success principles', 'leadership'; 'developing a confident mindset', 'behavioural sciences', 'Neuro Linguistic Programming' (NLP) and even 'Hawaiian Spiritual Huna' under some of the world's leading transformational coaches, with whom I've invested thousands of hours in training and well over a hundred thousand dollars in personal and professional development studies.
All these experiences have enabled me to develop my own coaching programs, including my own small business development system, called simply 'The Inman System', which helps owners of small businesses to not only grow their business, but also work on their mindset, their leadership and management skills and their lifestyle so that everything is kept in balance.
If you follow my blog posts and my social media posts, you'll also see that I live my life by the principles I promote. I believe in making the most of life and all the experiences that it has to offer. My wife and I love travelling the world and going on adventures, but even when we're at home here in Perth, we love to socialise with friends and enjoy time with our children and grand-children.

...whether it’s riding a camel or an elephant, white water rafting, flying a plane, hot air ballooning, climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, relaxing by a hotel pool, sipping your favourite cocktails, or just spending time at home with your family, life is there to be lived in whatever way 'floats your boat!
My goal is not just to help you build your business, it's to remind you to enjoy life while you're doing it, and help you think strategically, with the right systems, so that you CAN do both.
What Can You Do Next?
My goal in creating this site is to provide you, the reader, with some ideas, information and hopefully a bit of inspiration too.
It also shows you the various ways where I can work with you to help you achieve your goals.
Find Out More – Stay in the Loop
You may need help in business or in developing self-confidence, or you may know someone who does…
You can subscribe to my blogs or tune in for a webinar. Subscribe to Tonys-Blog by Email or you could suggest it to a friend...
You could invest in yourself by buying my book or you could suggest it to a friend...
You can check my testimonials and hear or read reviews of how I have helped other people, people just like you and your friends...
You can contact me via this website and arrange to have a chat about how I may be able to help you to solve a problem or you could suggest it to a friend...
You could leave a message on (+61) 419 860 382 and I'll get back to you for a chat.
The Man in the Arena
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
President Teddy Roosevelt

This is one of my favourite quotes of all time. Roosevelt was delivering a speech at the Sorbonne University in Paris, and for me, it sums up my approach to business and life.
If you want to succeed, you have to be willing to fail sometimes, and of course, learn from those setbacks.
The smarter way though is to leverage your time by learning from people who have already been there, done it and got the tee-shirt!
I've had a tremendous and varied business life, a full and rich life outside of work, full of adventures and experiences, so I can bring all that to bear to help my clients.
Don't just take my word for it though - see what many of them have said about my work with them on the testimonials pages.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”
Charles Darwin
What YOU Can Do Next
- Please feel free to check my reviews from former clients.
- Feel free to have a chat over the phone or over a coffee first before you decide.
- If the timing is not quite right for you yet, feel free to follow my blogs and social media or read my book.
- Find out more about the process of working with a coach like me.
- Coaching - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Please feel free to invest in YOU by working with me.
Leave a message for Tony on +61 419 860 382 or contact here.