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Books - Coaching / Self-Help / Inspirational
Title: 'If Life's Worth Doing, It's Worth Doing Well' - Finding Sane Fulfillment In An Insane World
Author : Tony Inman
Genre : Self-Help, Inspirational
For Detailed Book Information : Click Here
“This book has changed my life! Oh my God! ” – Les Gittus, Perth WA
"I read your book on the train on the way to work each morning and it inspired me to make the decision to retire early and go travelling. I'm excited!" - Angela Brinsley, Scarborough WA
"I've read it - it's really good - highly recommended!" - Suresh Rajan, Perth WA
"I'm insanely proud of your book!" - Emily Gowor, Brisbane Australia
"This book has made me smile and had me in tears already." - Joanne Small, Gooseberry Hill WA
"It was like a series of lessons. Really good work." - Guy Hopkins - Carbanup River WA
“Really good read with inspirational story lines from an extraordinary man, motivator & coach. Thanks for writing a great book Tony.” - Rell Hayes, York WA
“Congratulations on the new book. It is a great mix of story and message. Well done!” - Jane Pelusey - Nomad, Australia
“Excellent!” – Stan Nelson - Banksia Grove WA
About The Book
Have you ever found yourself with reason to doubt your own sanity, or wondered if you have been ‘beamed up’ onto some strange planet in a parallel universe?
Our hi-tech, environmentally-polluted, social media-addicted, politically volatile world, full of contradiction, absurd political correctness and media manipulation, can lead even the sanest among us to ask these questions.
Tony Inman has coached hundreds of business owners and executives and thousands of staff and has been a mentor at Curtin University’s Centre for Entrepreneurship. He shares some of his story of highs, lows and invaluable lessons learned, both from personal experience in business and life, and from studying our world’s transformational leaders.
This book may help you to:
– Define or redefine your life’s purpose and mission
– Set and achieve meaningful goals
– Be inspired by stories and quotes from many of the world’s iconic leaders
– Harness the wisdom of the Ancients to gain leverage
– Conquer setbacks and limiting beliefs
– Propel you to fulfill your definition of success!
Paperback (Within WA)
$30.00 AUD
(Plus Shipping cost of $15.00)
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Paperback (Rest of Australia)
$30.00 AUD
(Plus Shipping cost of $20.00)
Please allow 28 days for processing and delivery
Paperback (Overseas)
$30.00 AUD
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E-Book Version:
Emailed to anywhere in the world
$15.00 AUD - (No shipping cost)
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Also: If you are attending one of Tony Inman's workshops or seminars in person, you can purchase signed copies of his books without the need for postage fees.
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