Good or Evil? Which One will Win?
There is an old Cherokee tale of a grandfather teaching life principles to his grandson.
The wise old Cherokee said, “Son, on the inside of every person the battle is raging between two wolves. One wolf is evil. It’s angry, jealous, unforgiving, proud, and lazy. The other wolf is good. It is filled with love, kindness, humility, and encouragement. These two wolves are constantly fighting.”
The little boy thought about it and said, “Grandfather, which wolf is going to win?”
The grandfather smiled and said, “Which ever one you feed.”
Which wolf are you feeding in your mind?
Remember that even when you can’t always choose what happens to you in your life, only you can choose how you will react.
I just love the wisdom of esoteric tribal teachings. You should listen to what Grandpa’s have to say…
I know, because I’m now a Grandpa!
Have a great week 😛
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