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The Pecking Order You may notice the ‘parable’ nature of this brief tale about a pecking order! Either Jo or I like to put some seed on a table on our deck every day for the local birds to snack on, and recently we were fortunate enough to witness this chain of events one fine […]
Read MoreThings to Experience – Connect with Nature by Swimming with Whale Sharks Imagine being in the warm waters of Western Australia’s pristine Ningaloo Reef. When it’s still, you can see the ocean floor some 20 metres below you with an occasional reef shark cruising around the outer edge of the reef. You know it’s […]
Read MoreWhat Happened to the Goals You Set? Have those goals you set become a distant memory? Most people have set some kind of goals or made some resolutions in January, but by the end of February they’ve probably already given up on some of them. Are you one of those people? Did you already […]
Read MoreCoincidences or Attraction? “Were these coincidences or was the Law of Attraction at work?” That’s the principle that we attract what we think about, whether positive or negative. There have been many occasions in my life when extraordinary synchronicities have occurred and I have asked myself that question. Here are a couple of quick anecdotes that spring […]
Read MoreIncomplete Goals – How to Combat the Groundhog Day Effect Incomplete goals can be so frustrating, and the start of a new year is typically a time to reflect on your progress in life. So, you open your journal, if you keep one, or perhaps you had some post-it notes on the wall somewhere, […]
Read MoreFaith in the Universe Plus Letting Go – a Powerful Combination It was a powerful combination alright – it’s that moment when you feel like you’ve been punched in the gut and then in the head. The gut punch is fear and shock at the realisation of what’s happened. The head punch is the […]
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