I first read one of Dennis Waitley’s books about a year after arriving in Australia, around 24 years ago.
It was ‘The Seeds of Greatness’ and it contained a lot of very useful lessons in life, many of which my wife and I applied in raising our two children.
I reminded myself recently of one of the key topics in that book that is one of the old truths. It is one that will remain a constant truth – that a key ingredient to success at anything is perseverence.
The following is an extract from Dennis’ book, which I highly recommend.
Persevere to Succeed
“Perseverance does not always mean sticking to the same thing forever. It means giving full concentration and effort to whatever you are doing, right now!
It means doing the tough things first and looking downstream for gratification and rewards. It means being happy in your work, but hungry for more knowledge and progress.
It means making more calls, going more miles, pulling more weeds, getting up earlier in the day and always being on the lookout for a better way of doing what you’re doing.
Perseverance is success through trial and error.”
Dennis Waitley – ‘Seeds of Greatness’
The picture above is of Torah Bright of Australia receiving her gold medal at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. To win gold or just to succeed at our own individual daily goals requires each of us in our own way to focus and put in effort.
Termite mound, Australian Outback
Tony’s Viewpoint: “I am a firm believer in the importance of keeping sharper and more focused on the results you want out of your life, by taking time out to think and reflect on the things that you could be doing better.
Travelling to totally different places is one of my key goals in life, but there is a double benefit, because every time I go away I learn something new about myself in the process.
Perhaps for you, the ideas will flow when you are just sitting in the hotel swimming pool, sipping your favourite cocktail.
Whatever works best for you – dream big and make it happen!”
One of the projects in which I am now involved is a Vacation Club called Resorts 360, which enables you to stay in 5 star resorts around the world, paying as low as 1 star prices.
If you like the sound of that idea and would like some no obligation information on the amazing deals available to you right now, simply contact Tony to receive an overview.
That’s right – you are not being asked to buy anything – this is just to give you the information.
Furthermore, this Vacation Club also has an income producing opportunity available as well, should you be in need of some extra holiday funds.
I hope to hear from you, but until next time, “Persevere in the pursuit of your dreams!”
Tony Inman is an author of several books, mostly in the self-help arena.
An entrepreneur with over 40 years of leadership & management experience in numerous companies in Europe and Australia, Tony has founded many of his own businesses in several fields, employing hundreds of staff and generating millions of dollars.
He has worked with thousands of people, including many small business owners all over the world to develop and implement strategies for effective change and the achievement of their unique definition of success.
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